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All In One Place

Consolidating the tasks that eat up my time It’s hard to believe, but is 22 years old this year. To put that in perspective, my oldest daughter turns 20 this week. I was only 23 when I first bought this domain name! Yeesh. Kickin’ it Old School This website has taken on many forms…

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Big Dumb Kids

Parenting by/for Dummies When you’re born, you come into this life thinking your parents know everything. They are your world and can do nothing wrong. Then, when your first child is born, you panic. Do you know anything? Suddenly, you are this little human’s world. What if you do everything wrong? What if you screw…

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Owned vs. Rented

I didn’t take my own advice If you came here within the last 48 hours, you may have noticed the site was broken. It wasn’t my fault, (but it was kinda my fault). When it comes to my online presence, I’m a big believer in “owning” vs. “renting.” I’ve held this theory since 2002 when…

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Giving Up 40 Things

Let the annual decluttering begin We’re not a religious family. Our youngest daughter goes to Sunday school, but for the most part, the Martins find spiritual well-being through giving back and volunteering within our community. One thing we practice religiously every year takes place during Lent. If you’re not religious, that’s the 40 days (not…

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