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Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz

A podcast about positive things happening in and around Washington County, Wisconsin

Habitat for Humanity’s West Bend GERMANfest with Thecla Harris

A man and woman are posing together at an outdoor event. The man, wearing a colorful striped jacket, black shorts, and sunglasses, is smiling and holding a beverage. The woman, dressed in a blue Habitat for Humanity t-shirt, white shorts, a pink bandana, a sunhat, and sunglasses, is standing next to him. In the background, there are tents and people sitting in a parking lot. The image has the text “15 minutes with FUZZ” in large blue and yellow letters overlaying the bottom portion of the photo.

Man, I’ve been waiting since my sophomore year of high school to practice my German and today’s my day!!! 😁

On this week’s episode, I check in with Thecla Harris, the Director of Development at Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge Counties. First, we discuss the amazing news about Habitat for Humanity’s new building at the old Skate Country in Barton. Then we discuss all of the details about West Bend GERMANfest, an event that supports Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge Counties.

GERMANfest takes place Thursday, August 26 through Sunday, August 29, 2021 in Downtown West Bend. There is a ton of music, beer, activities, beer, a Sheepshead tournament, beer… you get the idea!

Learn more about Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge Counties.

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    [00:00:00] Fuzz Martin: Hello! Wie geht’s? Was gibt’s? Welcome to Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz. Or it might be Fünfzehn Minuten mit Fuzz. A show about all the fun and exciting things going on in and around Washington County, Wisconsin. I’m Fuzz Martin, or I could say, uh, Ich heisse Fuzz Martin. Uh, today, why am I doing this? Today I’m speaking with Tekla Harris, the director of development for Habitat For Humanity of Washington and Dodge County, and today we’re speaking about West Bend German Fest and a few other pieces of exciting news that they have, uh, going on at Habitat for Humanity.

    Funny aside, uh, one time, I had practiced German every day for a year on the Duolingo app, you know, the free app with the owl. I was preparing, uh, we had a client in Germany and I was, I knew we were going to end up going out there, so I practiced every day and we finally got to go and I was all prepared to, you know, Ordered dinner and asked where the restroom was, and then when we got to Germany and got to a restaurant, I was about to ask the waitress something about the menu in German, and she said in English, You’re adorable.

    And we get so excited when Americans are here because we finally get to practice the English we’ve been learning all our lives. So I never really got to ask much in German or speak much in German, but I did help some Germans speak English and I tried and that’s what matters, right? All right, let’s check in with Tekla Harris at Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge County.

    Man, you guys have so much going on these days over at Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge County. Tecla, how, how are you able to do all this right now?

    [00:01:59] Thecla Harris: It’s a lot, but you know, knowing that I’m going to work every day, making a difference in the lives of families. Makes it all worth it.

    [00:02:06] Fuzz Martin: For sure.

    Um, so, tell us a bit about, I mean, most people are familiar with Habitat for Humanity. They’ve seen it. It’s a national organization, but Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge County. Tell us about, about your mission.

    [00:02:19] Thecla Harris: Um, we were, we started the organization in 1998, and originally it was just Washington County.

    In 2012, Dodge County joined us, so our geographical footprint, uh, more than doubled.

    [00:02:33] Fuzz Martin: Sure.

    [00:02:34] Thecla Harris: Um, but we are in our 23rd year and we’re building our 45th home.

    [00:02:39] Fuzz Martin: Wow.

    [00:02:39] Thecla Harris: Right now, actually, in the Barton area of West Bend.

    [00:02:43] Fuzz Martin: How many volunteers does it take to put together a home like that? What does it take? It takes

    [00:02:47] Thecla Harris: a lot of volunteers.

    Usually our volunteer calendar is booked Monday through Friday in, uh, June, July, and August. And sometimes in parts of April and May, depending on the weather. But the build season, um, we get a lot of corporate support, so, uh, Big corporate sponsors will send groups of people over every day for a week. It takes hundreds of volunteers.

    [00:03:14] Fuzz Martin: From the start of the actual build to a home being ready to move into, how, what’s the time frame typically on one of those?

    [00:03:23] Thecla Harris: Last year was a strange year, so it took a lot longer, but normally we would break ground when the ground thaws, like late April, and we usually dedicate it in the fall, so seven or eight months.

    [00:03:39] Fuzz Martin: Very good, so this one is getting ready to wrap up, or are we getting close?

    [00:03:43] Thecla Harris: No, because we still didn’t have such a normal summer. Oh yeah, plus

    [00:03:46] Fuzz Martin: with COVID. Labor or materials, and the lumber

    [00:03:49] Thecla Harris: costs went up 300%. So

    [00:03:52] Fuzz Martin: yeah, it’s,

    [00:03:53] Thecla Harris: it’s a little delayed, but we’re okay.

    [00:03:55] Fuzz Martin: I built a raised bed for my wife this year using Cedar.

    That was nice of you. Yes. It, I, I should, uh, I, I should have waited

    [00:04:04] Thecla Harris: because the costs are going down now, right? Yeah.

    [00:04:06] Fuzz Martin: But the garden looks nice. Yeah. . Uh, and that’s what matters. . And it was something to do. As we were coming through the end of, uh, er, not the end, we’re not at the end, but as we were, uh, late stage COVID, I’d say.

    Before we go into talking about West Bend German Fest, let’s talk a little bit about the news that you guys bought a new building. Exciting.

    [00:04:26] Thecla Harris: Fuzz, this is big news. I was at the farmer’s market two weeks ago and uh, people made a beeline towards me. They were like, oh my gosh, what’s going on with Skate Country?

    Skate Country By the way, I’m, I’m relatively new to the area. So, uh, what I’ve gleaned from this is that skate country, every person who grew up in West Bend skated there. So, uh, we bought it and, um, we had a, uh, a small fire at our West Bend store in April and, um, just, you know, with the blessings that our affiliate has, we We’re ready to move on to a bigger space.

    The space is located 1950 North Main Street in Barton, and we’re gutting it now. And all we wanted, one of my colleagues wanted, was one of the disco balls. I was going to ask. Yeah, and those were the first things to go. Sure. They took those right away. So, there’s no disco balls, there’s no skates. Oh man.


    [00:05:19] Fuzz Martin: Well. Maybe you can get your own at some point. I hope so. And incorporate it into the interior design. But congratulations, that’s awesome. Thank you. So it’s going to be a restore?

    [00:05:27] Thecla Harris: It’s going to be our West Bend restore. Oh,

    [00:05:29] Fuzz Martin: very good.

    [00:05:29] Thecla Harris: Yeah, so they’re, they’re doing demo now. And, uh, they just had a, a West Bend High School football team up there the other day.

    Just busting things up. And we hope to be in and finished by the new year.

    [00:05:42] Fuzz Martin: Wow. That’s our hope. Aggressive, that’s great. Yeah. I am holding on to a number of items. We have some old, well not old, they’re new faucets and such that are in a package that we never used. And I am, I’m just waiting until it’s open and I’ll drop them off.

    [00:05:59] Thecla Harris: Well you could also take them to Germantown. Okay, yep. So we have a store on Commerce Circle in Germantown and we have one in Beaverdam.

    [00:06:06] Fuzz Martin: Very good. Yeah. Um, well, excellent. And, uh, I probably will take them before January just because, uh, we don’t like clutter in my house. I get it. I get it. But somehow it’s been there for eight years.

    Um, so now, uh, you’ve got the build going on at the, the new, uh, at the Skate Country, uh, old, uh, facility in your new restore in West Bend. But in West Bend, you’re also planning for West Bend German Fest. Oh my

    [00:06:33] Thecla Harris: gosh, yes, the 36th year. It’s the 36th year for German Fest, but it’s the 6th year for Habitat.

    Okay. So for 30 years it was run by the Downtown West Bend Association, um, and they said, you know what? I don’t think we’re going to do this anymore. And Habitat took it on and made it our largest annual fundraiser. Awesome. So, um, uh, we generally raise enough money to build a home in the community. And that’s our goal.

    [00:07:01] Fuzz Martin: Sure. And last year was a tough year. Last year

    [00:07:03] Thecla Harris: was a tough year. And it was Kind of funny, but sad that everybody came up to me at the farmer’s market was like, we’re so happy you back, you were back. We missed German Fest last year. I was like, that’s the problem. There was German Fest last year. We moved it to a different location for a tailgate just because we had to do.

    We did something and we needed more space. And so people gave us props for like actually having the gumption to go through with it. We did it. It didn’t raise, Nearly the amount of money that we needed. So this year we’re really kind of gunning for record crowds and hoping people come out.

    [00:07:37] Fuzz Martin: People are hungry to go out and do something.

    [00:07:40] Thecla Harris: They really are. And I think, you know, it’s back downtown. It’s free admission, free parking, free fun. That’s the tagline. We’ve been getting phone calls since October.

    [00:07:49] Fuzz Martin: Awesome. Well, I’m, I’m so happy that it’s gonna be, and it’s right down the street from work here, so it’s, uh, It’s great, it’s crawling distance.

    Nice, nice, easy, I can, uh, uh, sleep it off in my office, and, uh, It’s perfect, perfect. It’s going on August 26th through the 29th, so that’s a Thursday through Sunday. Tell us a bit about the kind of entertainment that you guys have coming this year.

    [00:08:08] Thecla Harris: We are so excited because Thursday night we open with the Millbillies, which is a fabulous bluegrass band, and then, uh, followed by Madison County Country Western Band.

    That evening is being hosted by, um, 92. 5. Yeah. Then all day Friday, Polka. Polka, polka, polka. You’re going to see all those people dancing, it’s charming, it’s lovely, we’ve got some great groups coming. Friday night I think is Chicken Wire?

    [00:08:34] Fuzz Martin: Yep, Chicken Wire Empire.

    [00:08:35] Thecla Harris: Chicken Wire Empire, they’re back. Oh,

    [00:08:37] Fuzz Martin: let’s see.

    Friday night is Box On? Box On from Michigan. Box On. Yes. It’s a

    [00:08:42] Thecla Harris: family from Michigan. You say Box On to somebody who loves polka music, they lose their minds. So they’re coming, they’re going to perform on Friday and Saturday. Excellent. That’s Saturday night. Uh,

    [00:08:52] Fuzz Martin: Chicken Wire Empire.

    [00:08:54] Thecla Harris: After a full day of polka, Chicken Wire Empire, 8 o’clock.

    [00:08:56] Fuzz Martin: Very good, and people love Chicken Wire Empire around here. I know they have a very rabid following.

    [00:09:01] Thecla Harris: They do, and they came and performed at our tailgate last year, and they were so kind. Yes. And they said, Tekla will come back next year.

    [00:09:09] Fuzz Martin: Awesome.

    [00:09:09] Thecla Harris: So, everybody was like, how did you get him? I was like, you know what, I was nice to them last year, so they’re coming back this year, so.

    Perfect. Yeah, so that’s Saturday night, and then Sunday is all day polka.

    [00:09:18] Fuzz Martin: Excellent. And, uh, the Good Time Dutchman, which are also very, uh, local favorites.

    [00:09:22] Thecla Harris: They are, they are, and everybody loves them. We’ve got John Dietz, Steve Meisner,

    [00:09:27] Fuzz Martin: it goes on. Yeah. We also,

    [00:09:29] Thecla Harris: you know what we also added this year is a Mexican Tejano band.

    [00:09:34] Fuzz Martin: Oh, cool.

    [00:09:35] Thecla Harris: Called Los Jinetes de Rancho. I tried to HRRRRANCHO, I did my vocalizes before I came, HRRRRANCHO. They’re going to be on Saturday, and what we’re excited about is because those, those tempos and those music counts are kind of the same as polka. So we’re hoping that people will stick around and go, Oh wow, I get this.

    So, we’re excited about that. That’s, yeah,

    [00:09:55] Fuzz Martin: that’s really cool. That, that, uh, um, so that’s on Saturday night as well, like, six to seven, I see. Yeah. They’re playing twice, four to five and six to seven.

    [00:10:02] Thecla Harris: We’ve got two stages. Yeah. So, people can take a break while the other group performs. Awesome. That’s what makes it great, is the music doesn’t stop from 10 p.


    [00:10:10] Fuzz Martin: That’s awesome. Straight through. That’s so cool. Yeah. Um, and it’s right, is it in the old place where it was before? It is,

    [00:10:15] Thecla Harris: it’s right downtown, it’s on the corner of Walnut and 5th Avenue, right next to Ace Tenney’s. That’s a city parking lot that we ask permission for every year, we grant it, and we block off that 5th Avenue.

    And we’re gonna put tents up where the bands are, and We’re just excited to be back.

    [00:10:33] Fuzz Martin: Also, uh, the Sheepshead Tournament is back. Yes.

    [00:10:35] Thecla Harris: Sheepshead is back. Sheepshead is huge in Wisconsin. I get emails all the time on the InfoLine asking, is Sheepshead back? It’s totally back. And guess what? We expanded the space.

    [00:10:48] Fuzz Martin: Oh,

    [00:10:49] Thecla Harris: the size. I heard in 2019, it was a little cramped. So we’re expanding it. It’s abo and there’s some, and there’s some good prizes.

    [00:10:55] Fuzz Martin: Uh, I used to lose at sheep’s head all the time in college, and, uh, oh, no, I, so I have a little bit of sheep’s head, uh, what’s the word? I’m apprehensive. Apprehensive of sheep’s head just because, uh, uh, Noel Isley was his name and he used to beat me every single time.

    I dunno, I think he was counting cart. Where is he today? Uh, he, I think he runs marketing for Topper’s Pizza. . Um, so the, uh. And is running a Sheep’s Head Hustle. Stuff going on for the kids as well?

    [00:11:22] Thecla Harris: Oh, there’s a KinderZone. They’re building and painting birdhouses, which is great. They’re doing hand dipping, which is kind of cool.

    Oh, yeah. And you can put like shoes and t shirts and stuff in it too.

    [00:11:31] Fuzz Martin: The Dessert Tent is the other one. Hankerson’s. Hankerson’s

    [00:11:35] Thecla Harris: is big. I’m meeting with them tomorrow. I’m hoping in the meeting that they give some samples. I kind of hint to that every year when I go for the meeting. So yeah, Hankerson’s is back and they’re so generous with us.

    All the, all the money they raise, they donate back.

    [00:11:49] Fuzz Martin: Oh, cool. And they’re just an awesome group. Bakery in the community. Katie

    [00:11:53] Thecla Harris: and Ryan are the best.

    [00:11:54] Fuzz Martin: Every so often I try Keto and then on a Sunday I’ll be like, okay, I’m going to go to Kankersensen and give it all up. So again, this is free, right?

    [00:12:03] Thecla Harris: Free, free admission, free parking, free fun.

    [00:12:06] Fuzz Martin: Very good. And it is happening on Thursday. August 26th through Sunday, August 29th.

    [00:12:14] Thecla Harris: Yes.

    [00:12:14] Fuzz Martin: And uh, here in downtown West Bend. Congratulations on the new building.

    [00:12:17] Thecla Harris: Thank you so much. I hope

    [00:12:19] Fuzz Martin: you get some sleep here within the next few weeks. I hope so too. And we’re really looking forward to West Bend German Fest brought to you by Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge Counties.

    Thanks, Tecla.

    [00:12:29] Thecla Harris: Thank you, Fuzz. See you at German Fest.

    [00:12:32] Fuzz Martin: Absolutely. Thanks for listening to another episode of 15 Minutes with Fuzz. We hope you’ll join us again next week for another fun episode. And as always, if you have something you’d like to share with the show, send me an email, 15 spelled out, 15withfuzz at gmail.

    com or head over to the new website, 15withfuzz. com. Be sure to click on the subscribe button in your podcast player, and we’ll talk to you again next time right here. on Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz. Tschüss!

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