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Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz

A podcast about positive things happening in and around Washington County, Wisconsin

Getting Fit & Helping Kids at CrossFit Develop in Slinger with Heidi Kilbourn

A woman is lifting a barbell overhead during a fitness competition. She is wearing a black tank top with the word “Rogue” in rainbow letters and has multiple tattoos on her arms. Her expression is one of intense effort and determination. The background is blurred, showing other competitors and equipment. The image is framed with a purple border and has the text “15 minutes with FUZZ” in large white and blue letters overlaying the bottom portion of the photo.

I’ve spoken on the show about my daughter, Bri, who is a competitive powerlifter. Well, she got her start in powerlifting while watching women like Heidi Kilbourn lifting at a CrossFit gym in West Bend, Wisconsin. Heidi is now an Olympic lifting coach at CrossFit Develop in Slinger.

On this episode, Heidi joins me to talk about her work at the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center. Located in Saukville, the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) offers a neutral ground for children and families affected by abuse to be able to tell their stories to forensic interviewers. Heidi serves as one of the forensic interviewers at the CAC.

The CAC is a nonprofit and runs through the support of donations, grants, and other public funds. They’re hosting an event called the Fit For Kids Charity WOD April 1st through the 3rd. You can do the WOD (workout of the day) at home, at CrossFit Develop, or at other participating gyms in the CAC’s region.

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    Fuzz Martin 0:09
    Thanks for tuning in to 15 Minutes with Fuzz. By the way, tuning in is one of those funny phrases like videotaping that. Kids who don’t have analog radios won’t ever understand what that means. But anyway, thanks for tuning in. I am your host Fuzz Martin. I started this podcast because I got sick of seeing negative posts on our local community Facebook groups and I wanted to showcase all the positive things going on in our community. And you know what? There are so many positive things in our community even more than the negative ones. The negative ones just get more likes, which is ironic and, frankly, wrong. On today’s episode, I am talking with someone who has devoted her life to helping kids who are going through a very rough, often tragic encounters and making sure that they get the justice that they deserve. Heidi Kilbourn is a forensic interviewer with Lake Shore Regional Child Advocacy Center. They provide a neutral ground for kids who have been abused, neglected, or otherwise harmed to share their story in bringing justice to those who have harmed them. Heidi is also a well known fitness instructor in our area. She’s now a coach at CrossFit Develop in Slinger, and as April is child abuse awareness month, she is working with CrossFit Develop to raise funds for the CAC with their fit for kids charity wide, and we’ll tell you what that means. Coming up. It was also one of those episodes where I learned a lot and I’m excited for you to learn about it as well. And with that, here’s 15 minutes on the Fit For Kids Charity WOD to benefit Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center with Heidi Kilbourn on 15 Minutes with Fuzz.

    Tidy? Hello, welcome. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other I know I’ve missed you. I guess I missed you as well, Heidi and I used to work out together all the time, and she still works out all the time I need to work out. So let’s talk first before we get into that part, let’s talk about what you do. So you’re with Lake Shore Regional Child Advocacy Center. What does the Child Advocacy Center do?

    Heidi Kilbourn 2:26
    Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center so from from here on out, I’ll just refer to it as the CAC Child Advocacy Center. We’re located in Saukville. Our main offices in Saukville. What we do at the Advocacy Center is it’s kind of a one stop shop for a lot of a piece of the investigation for child abuse. Okay, what will happen at the CAC is typically when we have a case come to us we have law enforcement come whoever’s investigating the case, we have CPS come, and then we’ll have the family with the child come with the non offending caregiver. Sure if it’s a caregiver case, we have advocacy there at the CAC. And then we also have community advocacy there as well. And I can tell you a little bit more about that in just a minute. But the focus is really to kind of get the whole team together the whole multidisciplinary team so the MDT get the whole team together in one place, so that kids don’t have to go to like a police station to be interviewed or be interviewed at their school or something like that. So this CAC is a neutral territory.

    Fuzz Martin 3:40
    So it’s not as intimidating if you’ve had something happened to you or the child has had something happen to them, that they don’t have to go to a police station, or it’s gonna be very intimidating, even though they’re not trying to be just because the kind of place that it is. So this serves as that neutral ground for them.

    Heidi Kilbourn 3:57
    Exactly. Yep. We spend some time talking about the case. We talked to the non-offending caregiver about the case of it and kind of learn what their concerns are. And then as a forensic interviewer, then I do the interview with the child. So I sit down in a room with a child, it’s just the two of us one on one. There are cameras in that room and a microphone. Sure. The kid always know about that we don’t keep any secrets from them or anything. And then the investigators a watch from a separate room. So they’re watching live, and you know, they can take notes or make phone calls if they need to regarding the case,

    Fuzz Martin 4:33
    So just kind of like you see on TV a little bit when it comes to that. Yeah, setup.

    Heidi Kilbourn 4:37
    Yeah, a little a little bit. They’ll get to watch and see everything like on a big TV basically. Sure, sure. And meanwhile, the non-offending caregiver will be in another room meeting with the advocacy team. Okay. And so my job as a forensic interviewer is to there’s a certain protocol that I need to follow and asking questions. I need to establish certain things with the kids that they know that prints between a truth and a lie and things like that. And then I have a very specific way that I need to ask questions to the child in order to, you know, like a non leading in order to elicit information about the disclosure or the discovery of abuse.

    Fuzz Martin 5:14
    Sure. What ages do you work with from at all all ages or?

    Heidi Kilbourn 5:18
    Typically children that are three and a half, okay? Can can be interviewed, sometimes will will interview children that are younger than three and a half. But that’s kind of a crapshoot. Sure, depending on their language skills, and then all the way up to teenagers who are 17. But we also interview vulnerable adults, okay, as well. So really, there’s not a cap on the age group, but typically, its children.

    Fuzz Martin 5:45
    You’ve worked with other child and women’s advocacy programs before. And so what what drew you to this,

    Heidi Kilbourn 5:51
    Prior to coming to the child advocacy center, I was working for Friends in Washington County, and as the sexual violence victim advocate, and I also worked with victims of domestic violence as well. They did that for six years, I think six or seven years. And that is kind of considered a community advocacy support agency. So every county in Wisconsin has one of those. And so when there’s a forensic interview, like for Washington County, then we would call friends and ask them to provide an advocate to our agency. Gotcha. Okay. So I was always that eight advocate that would come to the child advocacy center. Yeah, sure. Okay. And so when they, as they were building and seeing higher volume, they were able to create an advocacy position, a full time advocacy position there. And so then I took that I moved over there. I took that advocacy role. Yeah,

    Fuzz Martin 6:48
    great. Yeah. So now, how many children do see on a, like an annual basis or how many children come through the CAC?

    Heidi Kilbourn 6:58
    Yeah, it kind of ebbs and flows. There are certain kind of like patterns that we see, you know, sometimes, a lot of times kids that are around mandated reporters, like teachers or doctors therapists will see like, when kids returned to school, there’s always a big influx of reports, but I brought some stats with me last year, we had 555 kids were forensically interviewed, okay. And that’s between the Saukville location and then we have a satellite location inside of Sheboygan, PD, okay.

    Fuzz Martin 7:32
    So you serve Washington, Ozaukee and Sheboygan counties,

    Heidi Kilbourn 7:36
    and Manitowoc and Yeah, we just added Manitowoc last year, I think was our first year with talk. Okay. Yeah, good. Well, I’d love to be able to, you know, continue to expand. There’s, I’m sure there’s a few other counties close to Washington County that I think could really benefit from having a CAC.

    Fuzz Martin 7:54
    Yeah, definitely. Well, what are the kinds of stats? Yeah,

    Heidi Kilbourn 7:57
    Another part big part of what we do is we had, we have a medical team that comes on Thursdays okay. And so that medical team is from Children’s Wisconsin, and we have a child abuse pediatrician that comes and then a medical assistant as well. And so we’re able to provide child abuse exams, whether that be for sexual abuse, drug endangerment, physical abuse, neglect, if kids are going into foster care, that that medical team can do those kinds of visits. And so the medical team saw 98 children, at our center alone last year,

    Fuzz Martin 8:34
    I’m glad that you guys are there to see them and that there’s somebody that to help them. It’s unfortunate that there are too many kids, but at least there’s somebody there advocating for them and helping get them the help that they deserve. So, so to run the CAC, what kind of resources does that organization need?

    Heidi Kilbourn 8:54
    Well, it is a nonprofit, the resources that we need as finances. We kind of get our resources from private donors from some of the counties that we work with. And fundraising.

    Fuzz Martin 9:09
    I work with a number of nonprofits I know that’s kind of a full time yes thing all the time trying to run to raise money and make sure that you have the resources to support your mission and your mission is very important. With that coming up, there’s a fundraiser but first, you’ve been involved with fitness for a long, long time. People around the area know you you’re a competitive athlete, and you’re also a coach at CrossFit Develop in Slinger. How and when did you get into CrossFit?

    Heidi Kilbourn 9:37
    I started CrossFit in 2014. Okay, and I had been a fitness instructor at a number of different places around West Bend and and Washington County teaching Zumba and TRX and piloxing and all kinds of

    Fuzz Martin 9:54
    Is Piloxing “Pilates and boxing”

    Heidi Kilbourn 9:56
    it is it was fun. It was so fun teaching Got a bunch of different kinds of classes and my husband had started going to CrossFit. And he loved it. And he was like, I really just think you’re gonna love CrossFit. And I was like, alright, you know, a little, a little stubborn about things. There has to be my idea. So finally, he convinced me to try it and I, I left everything behind. Yeah, for that. So yeah, so I have been doing CrossFit for a while since 20 2014. The coaching that I do in slinger at CrossFit Develop. I’m not a crossfit coach. Okay. And the Olympic lifting coach. Oh, gotcha. So I’m strictly the barbell coach there. So I coach on Saturdays and Sundays in the morning, just the Olympic barbell.

    Fuzz Martin 10:45
    I will say I spoke on a couple episodes ago about how my daughter Bri just took eighth in the state and powerlifting. But you were a big influence on her. She has always looked up to you, and Tammy and some other people that she saw when she was 12 or 13 years old.

    Heidi Kilbourn 11:03
    She’s so cool. And like so proud of her. Yeah, so but she,

    Fuzz Martin 11:06
    I f you’ve ever worked out, if you’ve ever worked out with Heidi, I think you’d remember it because it’s, it’s a lot of fun. And you will, you will be inspired to do more, and shout really loud.

    Heidi Kilbourn 11:16
    I was gonna say it might get loud, it might, it might get loud.

    Fuzz Martin 11:19
    And that’s okay. April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. And coming up on April 1 through April 3. The CAC is holding the Fit For Kids charity WOD. First of all, for listeners, what does a WOD mean?

    Heidi Kilbourn 11:32
    A WOD is an acronym for workout of the day.

    Fuzz Martin 11:36
    Great. And so that means it’s something sort of different in the theory of CrossFit, if you’ve never done it is or in other high intensity interval training things is the workouts are always different, you can change it up, make you not get bored with doing the same thing over and over repetitive kind of motions. And so then it’ll challenge you on a wide. So tell us about kind of what people can expect for the WOD for that day.

    Unknown Speaker 12:01
    Okay, so I just realized I didn’t bring the WOD with me, but I wrote it, so I should know what it is. So for those that attend a CrossFit gym, there’s a separate wide for that. And then for those that don’t have access to like a CrossFit gym or any gym at all, all you need is a jump rope. Okay, so there’s two different versions, the CrossFit kind of version is I believe it’s 10 987654321 thrusters, okay, and then one up to 10 bar-over burpees. Okay, so you have zero to seven minutes to complete as many reps as possible of that. And then you have a minute rest. And then from eight minutes to 15, you get to do a barbell complex, which this is embarrassing, but I can’t remember what I wrote. I think it was, I think it’s a clean, a hang clean, and a jerk. Okay, let’s go with that. Don’t quote me.

    Fuzz Martin 13:06
    Well, part of the thing that’s keeping you on your toes, right? So if we show up, and it’s different. That’s part of the plan.

    Heidi Kilbourn 13:11
    Yes, yeah, it’s all planned. And then the community version of that is like the structure is similar. But like I said, you don’t need a whole lot of equipment, just a jump rope. So it’s single unders. I think it’s 100 than 80, then 6040 20, single unders. And then you’ve got 510 1520 25, air squats. Okay, so you have the first, I think, seven minutes to do that. And then from eight to 12. It’s Max burpees to a target or

    Fuzz Martin 13:47
    you’re gonna say that new hit. The cool thing is I’m doing at home, I can cheat. No. I wouldn’t want to myself and I wouldn’t do that to you.

    Unknown Speaker 13:58
    So we have burpees and both of the workouts and, you know, we’ve the burpee is kind of the bane of a lot of CrossFit fitters existence, but we really kind of thought about it. And we said, a lot of these kids like get knocked down and they keep just jumping out. Yeah. So it was it seemed fitting.

    Fuzz Martin 14:20
    Yes, I have a burpee agree as much as I hate everything about burpees, I agree. It can people drop into CrossFit Develop to do that.

    Unknown Speaker 14:28
    Yes. So there’s going to be a few gyms that are doing the fundraiser across the develop is the one in Washington County that’s doing the fundraiser. So Friday will be the they’ll be doing the CrossFit version all day on Friday for all of their scheduled classes. And then for the community version from 10 until 11. On Saturday, they’re going to offer the community version so anyone who wants to come can drop in at CrossFit Develop in Slinger.

    Fuzz Martin 14:57
    Excellent. How do people sign to do that to sign up for the event? As soon as they’re doing the community version, they need to sign up. But

    Unknown Speaker 15:02
    On Facebook, we have an event page. And people can sign up via that.

    Fuzz Martin 15:07
    I will put the link to that in the show description. If you’re listening to this on like Apple podcasts or Spotify, you can just click on the notes and it’ll take you take you there.

    Unknown Speaker 15:18
    Perfect. Thank you. And so yeah, I think that that would be the easiest way to sign up. Otherwise, they can register for Saturday’s class via the CrossFit Develop website.

    Fuzz Martin 15:29
    Okay, cool. How much does it cost and couldn’t get people make extra donations? How’s that work?

    Heidi Kilbourn 15:35
    Yeah. So on the event page, or on the link, there should be a link to the Pay Pal as well. So folks have asked if they could they don’t really want to do the workout. You know, and we just want to donate X amount and that PayPal link would be appropriate. We love checks, too. So anything could just be mailed right directly to the agency,

    Fuzz Martin 15:58
    Or by cash as well, okay, cool. I don’t know we don’t take credit card or check. No, it’s, it’s super cool. I think it’s great what you’re doing. I think your career is great in the fact that you’ve dedicated yourself to helping others is wonderful. But I am looking forward to maybe seeing you at a gym again. Yes, sometime soon. And again, the Fit For Kids charity WOD is April 1st through the 3rd. It will support the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center. Heidi Kilbourn thanks for coming on.

    Heidi Kilbourn 16:33
    Thank you for having me. I really appreciate it.

    Fuzz Martin 16:35
    You’re welcome. Thanks again to Heidi Kilbourn of the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center for coming on the show again Heidi Jen Jerich. Tammy Michaels Wuebben, Megan Michelle Jennifer Schuster, Jen Fulhart and others were huge influences on my daughter Bri’s life and let her into the world of being a strong woman. And for that I am always thankful. Join Heidi April 1 through the third for their fit for kids charity WOD. Thank you for streaming 15 minutes with Fuzz, you keep me doing what I’m doing. If you have an idea for the show, you can reach me at slash guest. That’s New episodes come out every Monday. Thanks for listening and we’ll talk to you next week. Right here on 15 minutes with Fuzz.

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