Hello my friends. Thanks for tuning in each and every week to Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz. This week, Jeannie Lord from the Pine View Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center joins me to explore this wonderful organization. Pine View is dedicated to rehabilitating injured birds of prey (e.g., owls, hawks, eagles & falcons) as well as foxes, coyotes, badgers, reptiles, and amphibians.

Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz
A podcast about positive things happening in and around Washington County, Wisconsin
Pine View Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center with Jeannie Lord
(click to expand)Fuzz Martin 0:08
Season three, episode three. Welcome to this week’s edition of Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz. My name is Fuzz Martin and this is a show about the positive things happening in and around Washington County, Wisconsin. Today we’re going to focus on the around part of that statement as we’re joined by Jeannie Lord, the executive director of Pine View Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center in Fredonia. Jeannie joins me for a lively discussion about the mission of Pine View, how to get started, what kind of animals they serve, and how you can get involved with that here are 15-plus minutes on Pine View, wildlife rehabilitation and education center with Jeannie Lord on Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz.Fuzz Martin 1:05
Jeannie, thank you so much for coming in. And joining me today, let’s talk about Pine View Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Can you share with us the mission of Pine View and how it contributes to our local communities here in Wisconsin?Jeannie Lord 1:18
Sure. It’s the Pine View Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center, in that since its conception back in 1981, and we’re moving into our 42nd year, in addition to servicing the communities with their wildlife needs and questions and concerns. We are also a major educational force serving most of southeastern Wisconsin for these 42 years, I’ve been very privileged to not only be an educator and continue to do so, and combine wildlife education and wildlife rehabilitation, so we’re dual purpose, but the overarching is protection, preservation, and sustainability for a very fragile environment.Fuzz Martin 1:58
So Jeannie, before we started recording, you had said you’re the executive director, but also the founder.Jeannie Lord 2:03
Yes. And the Master Cage cleaner. That’s my claim. BecauseFuzz Martin 2:07
that sounds, that sounds wonderful. What gives you the idea to start Pine ViewJeannie Lord 2:12
at the time, my husband and I have and still have an 1869 Farmstead, and lots of land and Well, lots comparatively speaking 25 acres, and we decided because we both taught and we had the summers off, it was time to start something that we both felt good about in terms of either benefiting wildlife or companion animals. And after some training and education, which we still do. We chose to develop the outbuildings and create a wildlife hospital. He and my family who were very supportive he died 20 years ago, my mom and dad are dead. And I have two stepdaughters in my own daughter who continue to negotiate to move us forward. Because I’m an airhead when it comes to technical advances, but the passion is remaining and the need is more now than it has been since 1981. Okay,Fuzz Martin 3:03
I bet. You said you cover all southeastern Wisconsin. Is that correct?Jeannie Lord 3:07
educationally? Yes. Okay. We used to do educational outreach as far south, as we’ve seen in Kenosha, we have, and I’m pretty sure this is a fact and not just something I’m creating. I believe in all these years, we’ve been to all of the schools and Washington County, and most in Ozaukee. County as well. Those are our home bases. But because the program grew, the need was there, especially 1999, 2000, there was a real emphasis on environmental education, things have changed curriculum wise in schools. So we did find ourselves we’ve been up to Appleton, we’ve been up to Green Bay, we’re honing in now on what the needs are in these communities rather than the education as a result of COVID as a result of curriculum changes in the state. Doing programs in schools has become more of a challenge. So what we’ve developed our educational team of Pine View is creating modules and educational activities that we can distribute to schools or get into the classrooms. And also 2024. We will be going virtual, not all kids have an opportunity to walk to a library, have a computer at home. 6000 individuals I believe in Fond du Lac are without broadband. So part of our focus always has been on DEI, the diversity, equity and inclusion. So we reach Milwaukee, we reach urban, suburban and rural areas throughout this part of the state right now. And we’re going to grow that and go with it. And when we address issues of why we’re outside of our county, as we’re celebrating 42 years there have some rehab centers and individuals who have retired or found this was not financially viable, which we understand. So we’ve specialized over the last 20 years. We used to add metal species indigenous to Wisconsin from deer to Fox to raccoon, and as things progressed and we changed and traded skills with other rehabilitators. We now we admit owls, hawks, eagles and Falcons. And we specialize in reptiles and amphibians as well. So it’s unusual. Maybe someone would say, Well, why are you getting or admitting a turtle from Racine? Because there’s no rehabilitator in that area that does. So we network with other rehabilitation centers, including like fellow mortos, who’s in Lake Geneva, we no longer admits the small songbirds, your passerines Canada geese, so we’ll exchange phone calls and numbers for those community members that have this patient. Where do we go that what do we do? So that’s why our servicing communities has grown. We also have established Task Force. About six years ago, we were in Franklin, there was an issue with all of a sudden a surge of coyotes in people’s backyards. And combined with that are myths. Okay. The DNR have observed wildlife biologist on a recent podcast that given certain circumstances, a lot of animals had to have adapted because of habitat eradication, and why there was a prolific number in the specific area is that year they eradicated 200 acres and put in condos, so it would not be unfamiliar to have a coyote running through your backyard. And the DNR established they were here before we were Yes, clear. And we’ve got to be cautious. If you’ve got a little chihuahua or small dog, and you’ve got a huge acreage, walk them out there, right, not just a coyote. And in our 41 years, we’ve only had one incident where an owl is flown down to protect its young from a small animal. So we provide education, facts and data that dispels myths. And in addition to that, we have a response from our phones are available from eight in the morning, depending on the season till six at night. And that’s 365 days a year. But we have a small staff are small resources. So we will not always be able to respond to your call if one of our staff and our manager is out on a rescue. And we’re caring for animals, but we will always get back to you.Fuzz Martin 7:17
Where are you located by the wayJeannie Lord 7:18
Northern Ozaukee County in Little Kohler, oh, near Fredonia, it’s a bar in a church and…Fuzz Martin 7:25
Perfect. Talking about those calls. If somebody sees an animal that is injured or needs to be rescued, what is the process, they first call youJeannie Lord 7:34
First call us and they’ll get our recording. And it’ll share with you if you have a species that is not an owl Hawk, Eagle, Falcon, badger, reptile or amphibian. We do not admit those to our facility. But we suggest they call the DNR they call their local humane society. There’ll be a list of rehabbers there, it’s also online. And that will at least at that point in time, tell them okay. Pine View is not going to be able to assist us with this. But we also encourage them don’t feed don’t give water, okay? And the simple reason and people have said well, why can’t we give it water it’s hot out. And what we share with kids when we do an educational program if you’re injured, and if you’re taken to the hospital, you are not given a pizza, you’re not given water to drink or popsicle. Same thing stress and fear can kill. Get them in a box. Keep them quiet. Okay? Some basics. It’s also on our webpage. What do you do when you find an injured bird or an animal?Fuzz Martin 8:27
Are you asking me what?Jeannie Lord 8:31
To answer the question, and agenda pizza, no water, please don’t want to play with your dog. And that also is in alignment with one of our major mantras and there’s no such thing as a pet wild animal. We have an owl on our property that is an ambassador, meaning it goes on education with us. People had it in their homes for over four and a half weeks at it in a kennel cab and was feeding it bratwurst hamburger other foods. And after the four weeks it was on its keel on its chest, the back end of the cocoa was just filled with its own fluids and excrement because it can’t digest that. And as a result, that bird is what we call imprinted. It thinks we are its CO partner. So our message is very intent out there the do’s and don’ts. And the other side is you don’t have a right to do it right. On our recent educational program. We were in Eagle, Wisconsin, we bring along a example of people’s good intentions. It’s quite common in spring when the young painted turtles hatch. Oh, let’s bring one home. Number one, why would you do that? Number two, you don’t have a right three, they will die because you don’t know what to feed it and it’s going to grow and you can’t take it back to the wild because it’s lost its ability to function and will try to get back to its habitat. We have a turtle that was kept in a two gallon aquarium for close to a year with The light bulb. Oh jeez, they eat 64 different species of food out in the wild. That turtle shell is too bright it as it were, the it’s concave. Thanks to our rehab, it’s healing in terms of expansion of that shell, it can never be released. Those ambassadors help us get the message out. Well, you don’t have a right to do that. Bottom line. We don’t even take care of our dogs and cats and our companion animals, right. That’s an opinion.Fuzz Martin 10:27
No, I know I but I agree with you. And I this is all extremely fascinating. By the way. I grew up in Eagle on Eagle Springs Lake. So I’ve seen a painted turtle or two.Jeannie Lord 10:38
Oh my gosh, yes. Well, when we discuss our opportunities to carry our message, statewide eagle is and they’ve got a beautiful school, they’ve got a facility there that is now set aside for the environment. So hopefully getting messages about about being proactive and sustainability at all. When we started kindergarten go up to eighth grade with our programs.Fuzz Martin 11:02
That’s great. That is, that’s wonderful. And again, this is I always say on the show, a lot of this is me learning the idea for the show. And Lisa Pence, who’s our CFO here at EPIC Creative and told me about Pine View and I am just so glad she did. I’m very fascinated with all of these stories. So thank you.Jeannie Lord 11:19
And to tailgate that even after 42 years of at being privileged to work with wildlife and kids. I will always share with people we are still outfoxed by some of our admits, and it’s an ongoing learning process. It would be arrogant to assume we know anything about everything. So I’m just tailgating that development.Fuzz Martin 11:41
That’s wonderful. So as Pine View Rehabilitation Center, obviously, small organization, not a lot of staff, you definitely have needs, right? Do you have a wish list or some of the building needs and things that you have? At Pine View?Jeannie Lord 11:53
We do. And as a nonprofits go, there are so many aspects to its operation and its future, a future for a nonprofit, and what we have relied on and continue to, and this is a shout out to our volunteers and to our membership as a small nonprofit, especially with wildlife, if I were to present you a pie, because I do real well with those. And this analogy was presented when we went for fundraising back in the day. And when we participate with major philanthropist opportunities to learn how to do fundraising, when you took that pie wedge, the major divisions went to human needs. And I completely understand that. And there were two little slivers left up on the bottom and one of those little slivers was companion animals, your humane societies and divide that little section again, and that’s to the environment.Jeannie Lord 12:52
And so it’s been a constant ongoing challenge. And as a result of that people assume that throughout the nation that wildlife rehabilitation, whether they’re centers or individuals are sponsored and paid for by the federal government and the state or county, absolutely not. So when we have interns on the property, because we do train, and we have field experience and kids that want to volunteer, this is the wrong career to approach if you think you’re going to be driving a Mercedes, and I should not use brand names here but expensive tennis shoes. It has to be a commitment to this earth and to the environment, to the frustrations that are encompassed because of political and financial needs. Depending on the stature in much wildlife is often thought of even now as a commodity a consumer good. So to answer your question, it is because of our membership that we are allowed to grow sustainably.Jeannie Lord 13:49
Unfortunately, those numbers are dropping when there is a generation coming up that well, when do I get paid? Do I have a IRA account, I need that enough. And then we’ll do the best we can to supply what we can but the passion and the commitment to the earth to moving a very fragile global environment forward drives many of us as well as our membership. They know where the buck goes. And I’m putting that at a basic level. We do tours on the property we provide an opportunity and we hand write thank yous for your donation. It went here, it went here and someone will say I’m going to donate this so that you can purchase a new lawn mower.Jeannie Lord 14:31
And that’s got to be respected. And for anyone that’s visited us no sauce seen our programs. What you get is what is up front here, transparency if I’m using a trendy word, but it is an uphill battle. So we will usually put out in our newsletters a wish list. And back in the day when we started us we did not have enough money to purchase a hose that would run down to the duck and goose 10.Jeannie Lord 14:58
So 20 bucks was appreciate Yeah, and even though we’ve evolved, there’s a very competitive field. And wildlife is become less of a priority right now. And I can understand that. But for anyone that appreciates being outdoors, enjoys hearing that bird sing enjoys the loons up north, during that Robin in your backyard. If we’re going to continue a sustainable sharing this earth, wildlife rehabilitation is often that instrument that can at least try to preserve or maintain and release that bird or animal back to the wild.Fuzz Martin 15:31
Sure, as the climate changes, and as we’re seeing some of this, are you seeing an impact at Pine View?Jeannie Lord 15:39
Oh, definitely. And this is nothing political, I will not voice an opinion, the data is out there. Whether an individual a citizen in our country, listens to the news, or reads the newspaper or watches TV. One cannot argue that there are parts off of the Florida coast right now. For anyone that loves that area, the water temperatures are 100 degrees. What we preach what we practice is causal relationships. It cannot be denied that we have an impact and have had forever and it’s finally catching up how we live our lives. There’s a definite correlation. And I mean, use a brand name here feel free, whatever.Jeannie Lord 16:19
But common pesticides rodenticides. Have a trickle down. I would love it if we could do away with one of the major recognizable products that are in any hardware store. The spray the pesticide goes into the earth. And I’m going to down this for a little bit for an example. That earthworm that is affected by that chemical is eaten by a Robin, the Robin is eaten by a bird of prey, we have toxicity we will add met a bird that has second and Justin wharf and poisoning, the lead that has been used the numbers of looms and eagles that are admitted to wildlife hospitals has increased. If we are not able to rescue that bird, and time, no matter what type of anti lead medicines that we can inject or administer, it will die. And what the public is not aware of is that yes, we’ve had successes release in Mammoth that they’ve been loaded with lead, I’m just using a German general term here.Jeannie Lord 17:23
They cannot be assured yet the documentation that that bird is not going to be more suspect to having a heart attack, and also developing cataracts, the number of insects, this is just general information we’ve observed on our property, even though we’ve had pollinators for 20 years, the number of Monarch butterflies, a child in second grade already knows. Why is that number dropping causal relationships, our impact on this earth can no longer be denied. It’s obvious. So when you have less than six, you have insectivores birds that are coming up here needing food to raise their young, I believe. And if there’s a specialist out there, correct me on this number.Jeannie Lord 18:11
Over 3 million birds have died in the last couple of years? Well, more every year, that would be a topic with exact numbers, causal relationships, it’s out there and the temperatures, the effects over 110 days, two of our states have over 100 degrees. There is not air conditioning available. And the fires that we’ve had. Where are those turtles going to go? When there’s a fire coming, those that are box turtles that have living in the woods, and their National Geographic had a very prolific right there in your face example, near the redwoods with the fires a couple years ago in California, there was a female red tailed hawk dead. And right under the nest on the ground was the young one. Lot of silence suffering. Yeah. definite relationship between and I don’t even want to think about my co partners that are on the coasts that are dealing with all these mammals, water temperatures, and we wonder why the sharks are in areas that they haven’t been before. It is catastrophic. Yeah.Fuzz Martin 19:24
Well, thank you for sharing that. We appreciate that. And it’s it’s important. I think that people hear that from people who live in the animal rehabilitation world because you see this kind of stuff every day. Whereas a lot of us don’t think about it. We see what we see on the news and we see what we want to see and then turn on Netflix and forget about it.Jeannie Lord 19:44
Good point. The media is becoming an ally in many respects. I think I heard it in the conversation at one of our local grocery stores. Why are we having a no may Mau Mau time and number one, there was a drought number two. People may not be aware of this, but with fireflies, their first two years are underground. So imagine no moisture and a variety of chemicals and pesticides. That’s why we’re not seeing so many fireflies.Fuzz Martin 20:14
Sure. At Pine View Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and Education Center there, their volunteer opportunities are there needs that we’re helping people get involved.Jeannie Lord 20:23
We would not be where we are without our volunteers. They are the lifeline. They are the lifeblood, they are best ambassadors dedicated beyond I and I cannot recognize and I hope some of them are listening. And most prominent example is there was a woman from West Bend, who had just passed two years ago. She has set the bar for any young adult coming on her property. She died at 92. All of us were sad. She could no longer continue doing her work, her volunteer work of 22 years at Pine View. Every Thursday, she would not listen to me when I called her and said, Please don’t come it’s snowing. All I would get as by. She drove for 23 years every Thursday morning, cleaned up, cleaned up, cleaned up, was not interested if her shoes got dirty.Jeannie Lord 21:17
We’ve got volunteers that do drives. We have seven to eight volunteers that will drive up to Manitowoc will drive to Racine, there are two volunteers that live in East Troy. They just brought an immature Eagle they picked it up at another rehab facility came from East Troy went to Lake Geneva brought it to us went back home. invaluable. One has to be 18 to volunteer, okay. And one has to know you’re gonna get dirty and grubby. And after a three hour, we have a three hour to four hour stint on one morning a week 99% is going to be cleanup work, but that 1% When you get in your car, you know you’ve helped wildlife.Fuzz Martin 21:59
If somebody wants to get involved, how should they go about reaching outJeannie Lord 22:02
call our rehab number, which is 262-692-9021. We have a Facebook and a web page. It’s only to disseminate information. We don’t engage in any conversation, any questions. It’s to provide the public with information. But our 9021 number is the best vehicle in which to get a hold of me or our managerFuzz Martin 22:23
perfect moment in the same regard. If somebody wants to make a donation or attend one of your events, all the information available on your website isJeannie Lord 22:30
available on the website that they can always call and we are set up with Pay Pal, especially on the website. And they can also become a member.Fuzz Martin 22:39
Great Jeannie. Thank you. This was an excellent conversation. I appreciate all that you guys do. And thank you for coming in.Jeannie Lord 22:44
Thank you for the opportunity to help us get the word about this fragile Earth and we’re all in it together. Thank you.Fuzz Martin 22:54
Thank you again to Jeannie Lord of Pine View wildlife rehabilitation and education center for joining me on this week’s episode. If you ever have an idea for the show, please reach out email [email protected] Be sure to spell out fifteen as the word not the number of [email protected] or you can simply go to fuzz.cc/guest and fill in the form… easy peasy. New episodes come out every Tuesday and I’ve got some bangers the season. Does anyone still say bangers and sounds cool. No. Well, more great guests covered up to be sure. Thanks again for listening and I will talk with you again next Tuesday. Right here on Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz.