A cheerful family of four is posing for a selfie on a sunny day, set against the backdrop of the rocky, grass-covered hills of Red Rocks Amphitheatre. From left to right: a smiling woman with brown hair wearing sunglasses and a dark gray top, a young woman with blonde hair wearing a black T-shirt, a smiling man with light brown hair wearing sunglasses and a black T-shirt, and a young girl with brown hair wearing heart-shaped sunglasses and a gray T-shirt with a colorful print. They all look happy and relaxed, enjoying the scenic view and pleasant weather.

My “North Star”

It’s a dumb business term, but I’m going to use it.

My oldest daughter just turned 19. 👶🏼

FuzzMartin.com is 21…and a half. 🍸

This site started as a blog back in February of 2002. That was before social media (MySpace started on August 1, 2003). It was at a time when the late night shows used to poke fun of “bloggers.” It was also before I had a clear direction on life.

I’ve since deleted the deep thoughts that used to grace this site. (That said, yes, West Bend does still need an Olive Garden.)

FuzzMartin.com went dormant for a few years as I changed careers, my family life changed, and my interest in blogging waned. But now… we’re back, baby.

Setting Course

I’ve struggled with which direction to take this site for awhile. Between my professional, nonprofit, and personal life, I’ve got my hands in a lot of things. That’s not to sound self-important, but all the business influencers tell you to pick a direction and focus solely on that.

And while I would love to, that’s not who I am.

Starting now, I’m going back to my roots. FuzzMartin.com is going to again be a place for friends to read my thoughts if they want (or not if they don’t) on things related to my life.

I’m not going to try to be someone else. I’m not going to try to cater to a certain audience. If you would like to follow/subscribe to this site, I appreciate it. If you don’t, it’s totally your call.

There may be notes on politics. There might be some reviews. It might be some project I’m working on in the yard. It might be about what I’m drinking tonight. Heck, I could even have some photos from a recent family trip. Who knows!? But this website will now be related to my life and not trying to fit into a certain niche.

Which is to say, there will be more articles here more frequently.

Thanks for subscribing!

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