The Love is Greater Than Hate Project with Buck Blodgett
When I’m asked about my most impactful episodes of Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz, my first interview with Buck Blodgett of the Love is Great Than Hate Project always makes the list. Buck first joined me on Episode 35 to talk about the story of his daughter, Jessie, and how her tragedy led to Buck’s life mission of ending violence and… is the Home of Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz.
Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz is a weekly podcast where I showcase the positive things happening in and around Washington County, Wisconsin. The show is meant to be fun, upbeat, and a change from what you're used to on social media.
Upcoming Episodes
Season 4 is underway! We (yes, there’s a mouse in my pocket) have some exciting episodes on the way for you:
- The Gingerbread House with Limor Hendricks & Christina McGinn
- The Washington County Humane Society with Joe Poczkalski and Jessica Pillsbury
- Elevate Inc with Laura Roenitz
Additional Episodes
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