Left: An old photo of a younger Fuzz Martin sitting on a couch, holding a video game controller with his eldest daughter, a baby at the time, sitting beside him. Right: A recent photo of Fuzz Martin with his family. From left to right: Fuzz’s wife, his eldest daughter, and his youngest daughter, who is holding flowers and a stuffed toy, all smiling together outdoors.

Big Dumb Kids

Parenting by/for Dummies When you’re born, you come into this life thinking your parents know everything. They are your world and can do nothing wrong. Then, when your first child is born, you panic. Do you know anything? Suddenly, you are this little human’s world. What if you do everything wrong? What if you screw them up forever? Well, it…

Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz logo and text

FuzzMartin.com is the Home of Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz.

Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz is a weekly podcast where I showcase the positive things happening in and around Washington County, Wisconsin. The show is meant to be fun, upbeat, and a change from what you're used to on social media. 

Upcoming Episodes

Season 4 is underway! We (yes, there’s a mouse in my pocket) have some exciting episodes on the way for you:

  • The Gingerbread House with Limor Hendricks & Christina McGinn
  • The Washington County Humane Society with Joe Poczkalski and Jessica Pillsbury
  • Elevate Inc with Laura Roenitz

Additional Episodes

  • A graphic for “Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz” features a background map outline in green on a dark blue background. The title “15MWF” in large teal letters is at the top, with “Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz” in white letters underneath. Below the title, there is an inset black-and-white photo of a man and woman standing in a soup shop, smiling at the camera. At the bottom, a green label reads “Soup Korner w/Renee & David Paape.”

    By Fuzz Martin • December 20, 2022

    A couple of months ago, a listener named Stacy reached out at fuzz.cc/guest and recommended that I get Renee and David Paape from Soup Korner in West Bend on the…
  • A graphic for “Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz” features a background map outline in green on a dark blue background. The title “15MWF” in large teal letters is at the top, with “Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz” in white letters underneath. Below the title, there is an inset photo of a man with short blond hair, wearing a white shirt and smiling at the camera against a black background. At the bottom, a green label reads “2022 Rettler Run w/Pete & Jack Rettler.”

    By Fuzz Martin • December 13, 2022

    Pete Rettler hasn't missed a day of running in 29 years! That's longer than his eldest son, Jack, has been alive. Pete and Jack join me this week to talk…
  • A bold and modern design featuring the text “15MWF” in large white letters at the center. Below it, the full name “Fifteen Minutes with Fuzz” is written in a smaller, light blue font. The background consists of diagonal lines of text listing various towns and areas such as “Germantown,” “Kewaskum,” “West Bend,” and “Hartford,” creating a textured and dynamic pattern. The color scheme is predominantly dark with light text, emphasizing the main title.

    By Fuzz Martin • December 7, 2022

    Just a quick update on the show and life. I've been working on taking care of some personal and professional responsibilities, so it's been a bit tough to schedule interviews…

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